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Imprint Provider:

reziprok ventures GmbH
c/o Axel Springer SE
Axel-Springer Strasse 65
10969 Berlin


Registry Court:

HRB 237858 Berlin (Charlottenburg)

Authorized Representatives:

Managing Director Marcus Willand

Reziprok Ventures GmbH is responsible for the content of this website pursuant to applicable law. Reziprok Ventures GmbH has created the content with due care and to the best of its knowledge. To the extent that Reziprok Ventures GmbH has included hyperlinks in this website, Reziprok Ventures cannot ensure that the linked content is always up to date, correct, complete and compliant with applicable law, as such content is beyond its control, and the Reziprok Ventures GmbH has no influence on any future changes.

All texts, images, photos, sound and video recordings, graphics and trademarks on this website are generally subject to copyright protection and other laws protecting intellectual property. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.

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